Armstrong Clark Oil Based Wood Deck Stains

New Decking and Armstrong Clark Stain

by Administrator

Armstrong Clark is a penetrating oil based stain that will soak deep into the wood grain offering protection from UV graying and water. The advantages to a penetrating deck stain is that they will not peel but rather fade over the years. The key though is proper prep before applying your AC especially if your wood is new.

New “smooth” wood should not be stained right away with Armstrong Clark. A few things need to happen first:

  • The wood should dry out in the climate
  • Exposed layers of wood cells should oxidize slightly
  • Mill glaze needs to be removed
  • Prep after waiting will remove both oxidation and mill glaze

New Decks and Armstrong Clark Stain Tips

The best advice is to not stain your new smooth wood too soon after install but follow these steps:

  1. Install wood and let sit outside for 3-4 months or more if using a transparent or semi-transparent color. If using a semi-solid color, you should wait 12 months.
  2. Once the wood has been exposed, use the Restore A Deck Cleaner and Brightener Kit for prep.
  3. Let the wood dry for 2 or more days after prep.
  4. Apply 1 coat of the Armstrong Clark Stain. Do not over apply.

To maintain your new coat of AC you will most likely need to a light coat in 12-24 months to just the floors or horizontals surfaces. In the future, you will need to reapply AC every 2-3 years for most scenarios or as needed based on your particular traffic and weather.

Important Note: Rough Sawn cut wood can be stained right after install as long as the wood is clean and dry.

How to Calculate Square Footage

Deck Sq. Footage

Flooring Length x width =?

Railing Length x height =?

Steps Width x Depth x #of Steps =?

Add up all 3 for the Total Sq. footage.

Fence Sq. Footage

Length x height =?

Multiply x 2 for both sides = Total Sq. Footage

Coverage Rate for AC Stains

The specified coverage rate for Armstrong Clark is 150-300 square feet per gallon for the first coat on new wood. From this, and from measuring the surface you can calculate how much stain you need. For more aged wood you could easily factor in some extra stain. On newer wood that is still smooth and dense, you probably are not going to use as much.

Note: Hardwood Decking spreads about twice as far. 300-400 sq feet per gallon and only 1 coat.

For maintenance coats you are not going to use near as much stain as you did initially staining bare wood. There are just way too many variables to know the exact coverage rate. There is really no way of knowing exactly how much stain you will need. It is better to buy more than you need than to not have enough. You can always save left over stain for next time. Armstrong Clark has a shelf life of 1 year if opened and 3 years unopened as long as the can is properly resealed.

If you have a question on prepping your need wood or deck, feel free to ask below.

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2 years ago

See my post 05/25/22. Please review 1st. This is Shel. I decided not to go forward with staining until next May’23. Then, I can stain the whole deck at once…This summer I light sanded the deck to remove some residual stain marks and wood imperfections.  Now, before staining next May, I presume I should redo the prep RAD cleaner/brightener over the entire deck before staining with my A/C semi-solid. Is this correct? Thank you.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Shel


2 years ago

We purchased our KDAT red cedar wood the first week of August and stored it in our garage. We finished building the deck floor three weeks. We just finished installing the railing and balusters. Everything has been sanded.  We’d like to stain with Armstrong-Clark semi-transparent stain before the Pacific Northwest rains arrive. We have purchased the RAD product. Questions:

1. Can I apply the RAD this week or would it be better to wait a bit longer? We would prefer not to let the deck winter ‘as is’. There is a large oak tree near the deck that will soon be dropping leaves that will create tannin stains. And, with the rain comes mildew.
2. Do I have to also use the cleaner and brightener on the balusters given that it is a vertical surface? Can I just lightly spray RAD on them since it is clean wood.
3. I know that I need to wet down and cover the plants prior to using RAD. Do I also need to protect the house?
4. The deck gets intense sun in the late afternoon. Will the AC semi-transparent natural oak hold its color or do you recommend opting for chestnut brown? (I read that another customer had issues with the natural oak and sun)

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2 years ago
Reply to  Joanne

1. 1-2 months after installation for KDAT.
2. Yes all wood needs to be prepped. You cannot skip this.
3. No but rinse overspray.
4. Natural Oak and Chestnut will last the stain. 

2 years ago

How do you clean up over spray on painted siding?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Try Goof Off but test spot first to make sure it does not harm the paint.

2 years ago

KD cedar sat stacked for several months prior to installing. Does that count toward the 12mo wait to stain or is it 12 months of UV and weather exposure?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

It has to be installed and then weathered fully exposed.

2 years ago

in summer 2020 I installed a new red cedar pergola/deck, As far as I can tell I went thru the new deck prep very carefully and 12 months after install I used the clean/brightener and then applies 1 coat of AC semi transparent stain. less than 1 year after applying the stain, the entire area became very black and awful looking. I assumed this was some kind of oxidation and I recently (summer 2022) applied the step 1 cleaner and it 100% removed all the stain, it now looks like it did when it was new, no stain at all.  what did I do wrong?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

The prep products should only be used when recoating, not for general cleaning.

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2 years ago

Sand off the current stain and then use the Mahogany color. 

2 years ago
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Thank you.  Are you referring to the Mahogany color for Hardwoods?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Gail


2 years ago

We have a Brazilian Mahoney Greenhouse window that needs refinishing/staining. See attached photos.  What type of stain do you recommend for this type of wood?  Thank you.

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2 years ago

Yes, you can use their prep products.

Alex Houghton
Alex Houghton
2 years ago
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And regarding putting Armstrong Clark semi-trans or transparent on a new cedar deck after a month of weathering…. what do you think? Please see attached deck photos.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Houghton

No. Has to be 3 or months then prep. 

2 years ago

Can I use your stain or which stain would you recommend for a teak outdoor bench?  This bench (photo attached) was previously stained with Sikkens Cetol DEK FInish about 12 years ago.  Thank you, Gail

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2 years ago
Reply to  Gail

Fully remove the Sikkens and then you can use of the AC Hardwood colors:

2 years ago
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Thank you for you prompt helpful response.  Are there any other color choices for this type of AC Hardwood stains besides Mahogany, Amber and Black Walnut?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Gail

There are not. What you have on there currently is close to a Mahogany. Amber would be a little less red.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gail

Thank you again for your prompt response.  Can you offer any advice on how to remove the Sikkens?  Is sanding the only option or could it be powerwashed?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Gail

Use this kit while pressure washing:

2 years ago

I finished my deck at the end of June. All KDAT lumber. How long should I wait before using the semi solid stains specifically?

Not sure if the 1-3 month rule on KDAT is only for semi-transparent stains as for non-kdat lumber semi solid has a much longer weathering time listed.

Will my wood deteriorate terribly faster if I did let it weather a winter here in Minnesota before staining either way? I plan to keep it clear of snow.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Tony

You need 12 months for the semi-solid colors and then this to prep:

Your wood will be fine and snow is not going to harm it.

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2 years ago

Hi there,

New cedar fence, 3 weeks old. Can I stain in in a couple of months with semi trans cedar ? Do I need to prep it before ?


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2 years ago
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No, you cannot stain it yet. 3 or more months. Please read the article above that explains the wait and prep.

2 years ago

New Kiln Dried PT Pine pool deck been outside for 60 days and in full sun all day installed for 30 days. Seems like it’s absorbing the water well on most places and getting a lot of cracking starting. Can I stain yet ?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Keith

1-3 months for KDAT weathering and then clean and brighten for prep with this kit:

Dick McWay
Dick McWay
2 years ago

I have KDAT deck boards still to be installed.  About half of deck is covered.  Should I wait a bit and do a prep after install or can I stain soon after install?  I’m planning on using the black walnut semi transparent.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Dick McWay

With KDAT wood, wait 1-2 months, prep with the Restore A Deck Kit, then apply one coat of the black walnut.

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2 years ago

I have a hardwood (walnut I think) garage door I need to stain, door is 10 years old. Prior owner used a water based stain that’s peeling off. I will strip off the old stain and lightly sand to remove the stain. How do I prep before applying hardwood-type black walnut stain?

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2 years ago
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Post some pics in the comments for prep help.

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2 years ago
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Here are pics

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2 years ago
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You probably cannot strip it fully off. Use this kit while pressure washing:

With both additives:

After it is dry, sand off the rest that cannot be stripped.

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2 years ago
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Just to be clear, first I use the stripper plus both additives delivered through a pressure washer spray. Next sand off any remaining old stain. Next brightener and then stain?

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2 years ago
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You apply the stripper with the additives with a pump sprayer and then pressure wash it off after dwell time. You cannot use a pressure washer to apply the stripper.

The rest is correct.

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2 years ago
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Brightener is applied with pump sprayer too?

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2 years ago
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2 years ago

Hi, guys…..I installed new cedar decking (floor, stairs, and railings) in fall of 2020 on an existing deck and waited until summer of 2021, then cleaned with Restore A Deck and used your stain exactly per your directions.  Beautiful!  This summer of 2022, tho, I’m not sure how to proceed.  The deck boards are now very dark in color (after our Minnesota winter) even after pressure washing.  I plan to clean and stain again this summer.  Should I use Restore-A-Deck stripper first this time and then brightener, to get all of this dark coloring off?  Could some of this still be glazing that I need to work harder to get removed this time?  Thanks, and BTW I’m telling others about how happy I am with your products and advice!  With gratitude, Sue Powell

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2 years ago
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That looks like dirt on your deck. Use the Restore A Deck Cleaner and Brightener kit for prep while pressure washing.

2 years ago

Getting a new redwood deck installed, we get snow likely in October.  How long should we wait to stain the deck?  Thanks in advance.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Doug


The above article explains all this. Thanks!

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2 years ago

Sending this to email at the manufacturer as we are not sure of the issue.

2 years ago

Our deck is 30 + yrs… Three years ago I used the AC semi solid after Restore A Deck/Brightener. I just finished replacing some boards which needed to go. This deck is all cedar.  I have now about 10 % new cedar and 90% old…
I will be using AC semi solid again. I realize that I have to wait a year on the new 10%.  I would like the old 90% to be recoated now and next Spring overcoat the whole surface.  In using the cleaner/brightener, is there any harm in using it over the new sections and leaving them unstained?  Or, should I protect the new wood from getting cleaner/brightener on it at this time?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Shel

No issues getting the prep on the new wood.

2 years ago
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That’s good. Thank you

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2 years ago

My new deck is being installed using Selkirk Brand Western Red Cedar.  Can the Armstrong Clark Hardwood Colors Amber or Mahoghany (made for use on IPE) be used on softwood such as cedar?

If so, what success have users had with the product? Or, are the semi-transparent regular stains more preferrable on cedar?

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2 years ago
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The AC Amber and Mahogany can be used on any wood type. 

Jesse Welton
Jesse Welton
2 years ago

I purchased a 5 gallon pail of mahogany for my new ipe deck last August (9 months ago) I kept it indoors over the winter so it wouldn’t get too cold. Should it still be good? What should I look for if it isn’t good anymore?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Jesse Welton

It should be fine to use but make sure to mix well as the pigment can settle.

Jesse Welton
Jesse Welton
2 years ago
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What should I look for to know if it might be bad? It is still factory sealed 

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2 years ago
Reply to  Jesse Welton

Clumping or skinning. 

2 years ago

How long is the wait to stain after it rains 

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2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

48 hours.

2 years ago

Do you recommend filling any of the major cracks in my 18 year old redwood deck boards?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Greg

No, and the filler would not blend with the AC stains, looking very blotchy.

2 years ago

We just installed a pine kdat deck in South Florida. The manufacturer (yellawood) indicates that we do not have to wait to stain and protect. We are planning to lightly sand the deck before treating the wood. We really like the natural color of the wood-so 2 questions:
 1) Should we wait to finish the wood and 2) which one of your products would you recommend for a more transparant finish but good protection – this is S. Florida. 

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2 years ago

They are incorrect. For KDAT, wait 1-2 months to weather and then prep with this kit:

Do not sand. Lighter colors will fade faster than richer colors. Natural is the lightest and will last about 18-24 months. Go to semi-transparent colors for a little longer life.

2 years ago

Hello! We had a cedar deck built last summer (2021). We stained it right away with water based stain–wrong move on our part! We are redoing the deck this year. We have pressure washed it and sanding the entire deck. Do we need to wait 3 to 4 months for the new sanding wood to be exposed? Or can we clean, use brightener and stain right away? Thank you SO much for your guidance!

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2 years ago
Reply to  Catherine

Sand with grit no finer than 80. We would then clean and brighten and apply one coat of the AC

2 years ago

Thank you-Will the semi solid be enough coverage for all the other imperfections in the wood or do I have to do solid which I know Armstrong doesn’t have

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2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie

Hard to say as you cannot cover the wood 100% with a semi-solid. The grain still shows through somewhat.

2 years ago

Old porch with semi transparent stain (10 yrs) one new step (recent repair) another step (5 yrs old) Pros want to use a solid stain. Can I use your semi solid stain and do I have to wait because of the one new step? House & porch over 15yrs old 

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2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie

You have to wait for new wood to weather.

2 years ago

Hello. we have a cedar deck that was installed in October 2022. If it ever stops raining we plan to apply its first coat of stain, Armstrong semi-transparent cedar. Other than making sure the deck is clean and dry, is there anything we need to do to prepare it? Is it necessary to apply the restore-a deck, or is it ok to just go ahead and apply the stain directly on the 6-month-old deck?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Yes, you need to follow the directions in the above article.

2 years ago
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OK, thanks. I do not see detailed instructions for applying the RAD products, but will I be able to do all of the prep WITHOUT a power washer? 

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2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Yes but much easier and more effective to use a pressure washer.

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2 years ago
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Hello. It’s finally spring and we see a few days in a row that it will NOT rain. Yesterday afternoon we applied the Restore a Deck cleaner and then the brightener. We think we followed the instructions carefully (scrubbing, rinsing). This morning, about 15 hours after finishing, the wood on some boards looks a little whitish and we wonder if perhaps we did not rinse enough, or if it is simply the wood fibers raised up in some spots. Attached is a photo. If it appears to you that some process was not done properly, what is our solution? If it is raised wood fibers, are we safe to go ahead and stain? Thank you!

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2 years ago
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That is fuzzies that can happen from graying/oxidation removal during the cleaning. They typically do not show when stained but if you want, they are easily buffed off with a floor buffer and buffing pad.

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2 years ago
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Thank you. You might be surprised to know I do not have a floor buffer…would a very fine sandpaper applied by hand do the trick? Or should we just go for the staining and see what happens?

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2 years ago
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You can rent a buffer if you want from Home Depot. The pads look like the attached. Much easier and better for the wood than sandpaper. You can also just stain.

2 years ago

We just had our cedar trees milled (rough sawn) a week ago. Are we ok to start staining immediately?

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2 years ago
Reply to  Zane

If rough sawn you can do it as long as the wood is clean and dry.

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2 years ago

I have a new pressure treated deck that was installed 1 year ago. The deck boards have a whitish grey color from the sun but are otherwise clean. Will the step 1 and brushing remove the mill glaze everywhere or is there some step I am supposed to do before doing step 1 and 2 with the restore a deck products?

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2 years ago
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Use the Step 1 Cleaner while pressure washing and then the Step 2 Brightener after. You cannot remove the white oxidation by just brushing on the Cleaner

3 years ago

I have fire treated western cedar deck boards, purchased a few months ago from WescoCedar and shipped to us here in Prescott, AZ, altitude ~ 5800 feet with a daily freeze-thaw cycle most of the winter.  The fire treated boards will be used as the deck surface for a covered deck.  Do we need to stain all sides of the boards or just the top?  And would all of the stains, including the “hardwoods and softwoods” stains, be suitable?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Beth

Just the exposed wood after weathering and prep. Any color that you like will work.

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3 years ago

I have a new deck, 3 months old that gets a lot of sun in Southern California. The deck is made out of brown pressure treated hem fir. After trying semi transparent and semi solid stain samples, I have decided to use the semi solid sequoia stain, my question is how long do I have to wait until I stain. AC website says 12 months for new wood, but this is that brown pressure treated stuff, and I will use the restore a deck cleaner and brightner. Thanks!

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3 years ago
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You will need to wait 12 months if using the semi-solid colors and then the RAD Cleaner and Brightener.

3 years ago

i have heat-treated generic stud wood i need to stain, but before it is installed. Can i go ahead and prep+brighten immediately or do I have to let all the wood sit out for several months? It is brand new wood just purchased from Home Depot. Thank you!

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3 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Best to weather, prep, and stain.

3 years ago

Can this stain be applied with a sprayer?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Gail

An airless sprayer. Not a pump sprayer. 

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3 years ago

I recently finished staining my new redwood fence and followed your prep instructions on the new wood. Now I am installing gates using genuine mahogany is the prep and staining the same as it is for the redwood?

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3 years ago
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3 years ago

I’d like to seal my new front mahogany doors with the IPE stain. Would I need to wait the 3-4 months as suggested for the door?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Julie


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3 years ago

Finished our deck late last Fall 2020 and never stained this spring/summer 2021.  Lots of rain lately.  Should i attempt to clean & prep with the cleaning agents i purchased from you and stain it next week since it’s gonna already be November…or, should i just wait until next Spring 2022?

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3 years ago
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Heather Davis
Heather Davis
3 years ago

We live in Alabama, and built a new pressure treated pine deck in July.  We have had an unusual amount of rain and we’re wondering if  we should wait till spring to stain with semi permanent, or go ahead now. 

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3 years ago
Reply to  Heather Davis

Wait until Spring.

3 years ago

Can we stain in fall.  new pressure treated wood 

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3 years ago
Reply to  Philip

You have to follow the directions in the article above to weather and prep before you can stain. If you have then you can stain in the Fall.

Ann D
Ann D
3 years ago

We are in the process of starting to build a red mahogany deck with new boards. You recommend waiting 3-4 months (or longer) before staining so assume this means you don’t think staining the underneath or sides of the boards is necessary for protecting the wood? This deck will be on joists about 6″ from the ground and in dry climate of Southern California. Thanks.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Ann D

You only stain the exposed wood. No need to stain the undersides.

Ann D
Ann D
3 years ago
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Thank you. The wood is kiln-dried, does that make any difference to the waiting time before staining?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Ann D

Weather 1-2 months then prep and stain.

3 years ago

What temperature does it need be to use your oil based wood stains on a deck? Was hoping to get a coat applied this fall. Thanks. 

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3 years ago
Reply to  SBT

Not below 50.

3 years ago

What does it mean “rough sawn cut wood”? I just had a cedar fence installed and one side is rough and thready, the other side is smooth. It has not received any treatment but has been in a warehouse for some time and is now exposed to the elements. When should I stain it, and do your products include sealant as well?

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3 years ago
Reply to  tko

It is how it is cut at the mill. Smooth or rough cut.  You will have to install, weather, and prep for the smooth side.

3 years ago
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Thanks. I am having the rough thready side sanded to a smoother finish. I do not want the cedar to grey or develop mold/mildew in our humid climate. Should I treat that side first and then wait for the smooth side? And how long does it need to “weather”? Isn’t there a risk of it greying and cracking in the meantime?  Thanks!

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3 years ago
Reply to  tko

No, do it all at once. Weather and prep as the above article explains. Graying is fine and that will be removed with the prep and cracking of wood will happen no matter if stained or not. It is normal.

3 years ago
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Thanks. Just one follow up. Cracking is also caused in part by water penetration, correct?So doesn’t your stain provide water proofing? Thanks!

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3 years ago
Reply to  tko

Cracking happens no matter what and is not from water solely. Cracking in your fence will happen and is not a big deal. The AC stains do offer water repellency.

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3 years ago

I  have a deck next to concrete pavers and red brick patio. Will the Restore a Deck Cleaner and Brightener affect the colors of the pavers/brick? If so is tarp enough if I have to power wash?

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3 years ago
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3 years ago

I have Armstrong Clark stain on my deck (put on last year).Can I just clean with soap and water and apply a second coat before winter?In years past I’ve used Restore a Deck cleaner. If I recall correctly, it ended up practically stripping old stain.I just want to add a second coat for extra protection without going through the full 3 step process.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

You should do the full prep process when ever reappliing.

3 years ago

Hello, I am planning to stain our deck – pressure treated wood built in April. I was advised to pressure wash and then sand (which I now realize is wrong!). I used 80 and 120 grit. Is the rad cleaner and brightener needed before staining? Also is there a staining pad you’d recommend? Thanks!

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3 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Use the RAD cleaner and brightener for prep. One coat of AC stain. Using any high-quality exterior stain pad.

3 years ago

I applied a single coat of semi transparent in August 2020 to kiln dried decking. Your website states “To maintain your new coat of AC you will most likely need to a light coat in 12-24 months to just the floors or horizontals surfaces. “. Do I need to use the RAD prep product before the “light coat” or a light cleaning me apply AC stain over last years stain? I’m using the exact same product. 

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3 years ago
Reply to  ANCP

Use the RAD for prep when reapplying.

3 years ago

Had a rough sawn redwood fence installed 2 months ago (in California) .  What prep should we do before staining?  Pressure wash?  There’s sawdust still on some of the boards.  Will semi-transparent even out some of the lighter and darker colors in the wood or magnify these color changes? 

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3 years ago
Reply to  ES

Prep with this:
Colors will be enhanced.

3 years ago
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So pressure-washing won’t be enough to prep a new fence?  How would the cedar semi-transparent look on redwood boards?  Would the knots be accentuated/darkened?  Really trying to find a uniform but natural looking coating without too much redness in it.

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3 years ago
Reply to  ES

You need the prep products while pressure washing. Knots and final color can either be darker or lighter as it varies on the wood age, type of wood, etc. 

3 years ago
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One more question.  Should we rush to stain the fence (installed end of July) now before the rains come or wait until Spring?  Rough-sawn con-common redwood

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3 years ago
Reply to  ES

Fall or Spring is fine. 

3 years ago

I bought a sample of the semi-transparent cedar and it was far and away the best looking of the different options we tested (to both my wife/me and our neighbors)!  
Preparing to order the stain I need (2 gallons for about 220-250 sq ft) and I was looking at the instructions about RAD cleaner and brightener, but saw the note for new decking that said “rough sawn cut wood can be stained right after as long as the wood is clean and dry”.  Just finished my rough faced cedar fence was built a few weeks ago, moisture is down to 15%-16%:  I just want to confirm the note about not needing the RAD cleaner also applied to fences?  Also, is there benefit to letting the fence dry a little more and getting closer to 12% before staining, or is there no difference as long as I am under 20%?
Thanks in advance!

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3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

No need to prep this. You can stain now.

3 years ago

I stripped off semi-solid, sanded, and brightened 10 year old treated pine posts and deck boards using your products. I applied 2 coats AC to verticals and 1 coat to floor. I used 4 parts natural transparent to 1 part oak semi-transparent. I did wet on dry for my 2nd coat on verticals. The verticals did absorb like the directions stated, so I proceeded with a 2nd coat. If, by chance and hoping not, it was over applied and wood gets dirty looking as the brochure states may occur down the road , how is that remedied? Lastly, come spring, should I clean and apply 2nd coat to floor? I chose 1 coat because it was much darker than the verticals. Very happy with your products and help. Thank you. 

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3 years ago
Reply to  Rose

Looks great!  As needed when the stain fades just clean and brighten for prep and recoat. Normally every 2-3 years. 

3 years ago

We have new 5/4 Alaskan yellow cedar (kiln dried) that has been in our basement for a few months, milled to be tongue in groove.  We are building a deck and have not yet installed.  Any tips on staining this?   Our plan right now is 80 grit sanding, clean, brighten, dry 48 hours, stain on all sides, install, stain again if needed.  We are using AC semi-transparent stain.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Deb

It has to be installed, weathered, prepped, and stained on the exposed side only.

Roy Kennedy
Roy Kennedy
3 years ago

So I have 2×6  pressure treated  decking . I installed it In June 21 . It appears to be shrinking .it’s starting to lighten up a little and looks to be drying out from the sun . Your saying wait 4 months or longer . I want to wait till this coming spring .April 22 that’s 10 months . Do I still need to sand the new wood at that point to remove mill glaze ? Before I stain it ? Or just the renew a deck product ?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Roy Kennedy

Clean and brighten should work for the prep.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x