Armstrong Clark Oil Based Wood Deck Stains

Best Armstrong Clark Semi-Solid Deck Stain

by Administrator

Best Semi-Solid Deck Stain

Deck stains come in different transparency levels. The more transparent or the less opaque a stain is, the more the natural wood grain shows through. This category is referred to as the semi-transparent deck stains.

The more opaque less transparent deck stains are commonly called the semi-solid deck stains. So basically the transparency scale in order starting with the least opaque would be a clear sealer, semi-transparent stain, semi-solid stain, and solid stains.

All stains are designed to be water repellent but not all will protect against graying UV rays. Pigment in the stain is what provides UV protection. With that said, a clear sealer would provide zero UV protection while a solid stain would provide the most. Ultraviolet rays are what cause a wood deck to turn gray. Because of this, many deck owners stay away from clear sealers.

The solid deck stains completely mask the beauty of the wood and are much harder to maintain. Therefore, the semi-transparent and semi-solid deck stains are the popular choices. They are easier to maintain, provide adequate water and UV protection, and do not hide the wood but rather enhance its appearance. For those looking for an enhanced look with exceptional UV protection, the semi-solid stains are the ticket.

The best semi-solid deck stain is going to be an oil based penetrating formula. A reputable deck stain like Armstrong Clark is a popular choice. They offer several semi-solid deck stain colors such as Espresso, Mountain Cedar, Sequoia, Woodland, and Oxford Brown.

Armstrong Clark Semi Solid Colors

This stain is a unique blend of both nondrying and drying oils. These oils separate to perform specific tasks. The nondrying side of the formula penetrates the pores to replace the wood’s lessening natural oils. The drying oils provide a surface barrier to trap in the conditioning oils and keep out moisture. This process revitalizes the wood while providing protection. Using the best semi-solid deck stain available will ensure you get much use from your deck while keeping it looking great.

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6 years ago

Best color of semisolid stain for rewoood

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6 years ago
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Try Sequoia.

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6 years ago

[quote name=”Margaret Merkow”]is there a dealer in Minneapolis MN[/quote]
There is not. Shipping from our website takes 2-3 days to arrive.

Margaret Merkow
Margaret Merkow
6 years ago

is there a dealer in Minneapolis MN

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6 years ago

[quote name=”Bob Janiszewski”]My pine-sided home was previously stained with Sikkens oil based Cetol stain. I has deteriorated over the past 5 years with some areas peeling, and I want to re-stain. I plan to sand the entire siding area (2500 sq ft est.) and then apply Armstrong semi-solid to closely match my new garage stain. Is this a good plan? How much stain will this job require? I live in Hunter, NY. Where can I get retail suppoort for your product? Thanks![/quote]
As long as you remove the Sikkens, you can use the AC. You will need about 15 gallons for this amount. We do not have dealers in NY but we can ship there from our site and help with any questions you may have.

Bob Janiszewski
Bob Janiszewski
6 years ago

My pine-sided home was previously stained with Sikkens oil based Cetol stain. I has deteriorated over the past 5 years with some areas peeling, and I want to re-stain. I plan to sand the entire siding area (2500 sq ft est.) and then apply Armstrong semi-solid to closely match my new garage stain. Is this a good plan? How much stain will this job require? I live in Hunter, NY. Where can I get retail suppoort for your product? Thanks!

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Patrick Castelluccio”]I previously ordered samples of sem-transparent cedar and redwood colors. Both of them do not cover any greying from the sun of cedar shingles and redwood furniture. I assume the semi-solid transparent is the best choice for me; but I’m curious to know why you say the solid stains are difficult to maintain. Why is that and don’t you get a better coverage with a solid stain? Please reply.[/quote]
Before applying the AC you need to remove the grating first with your prep. Use the Restore A Deck Kit and pressure washing.

AC does not come in a solid stain. Solid stains are not penetrating like the AC products are and are prone to peeling.

Patrick Castelluccio
Patrick Castelluccio
7 years ago

I previously ordered samples of sem-transparent cedar and redwood colors. Both of them do not cover any greying from the sun of cedar shingles and redwood furniture. I assume the semi-solid transparent is the best choice for me; but I’m curious to know why you say the solid stains are difficult to maintain. Why is that and don’t you get a better coverage with a solid stain? Please reply.

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Justiniano Campa”]I need a 5 gallon Semitransparent Drifwood_Gray. Same I purchase on Ma7 2016 order 35897
I cannot find it on your site now
Did you d/c the product? What other could be compatible for a paint over old
Will yo offer free shipping
Please respond before 9/5 to use the code
Justiniano Campa Charlottesville Va[/quote]
It is a color option on this page:

Justiniano Campa
Justiniano Campa
7 years ago

I need a 5 gallon Semitransparent Drifwood_Gray. Same I purchase on Ma7 2016 order 35897
I cannot find it on your site now
Did you d/c the product? What other could be compatible for a paint over old
Will yo offer free shipping
Please respond before 9/5 to use the code
Justiniano Campa Charlottesville Va

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Joe Z”]Our cedar deck is in complete sun and is exposed to tough Illinois winters. Had to replace a bunch of boards so I have a mix of old a new wood. Old wood was stripped as well as possible but some of the old stain remains. Would your semi opaque product work?[/quote]
You will need to remove all of the old stain so it blends correctly. Shoot for 95% removal or more.

Joe Z
Joe Z
7 years ago

Our cedar deck is in complete sun and is exposed to tough Illinois winters. Had to replace a bunch of boards so I have a mix of old a new wood. Old wood was stripped as well as possible but some of the old stain remains. Would your semi opaque product work?

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7 years ago

[quote name=”mona lee”]Hi :

I live in Toronto Canada . We can not buy this product in Canada . I will be travelling to Buffalo New York near the Canada USA border crossing at the end of the month. Can you advice me about the location of store that carry Armstrong-Clark deck stain ?

Thank you !!!

Mona Lee[/quote]
There are not any stores in NY. If you have an address to ship to there, you can buy off the site and we can ship it there for you to pickup.

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Mike Scearce”]Can your stain be applied to a deck that has another brand of oil base stain without stripping the old stain? The existing stain is very faded and water soaks in without beading. Thanks[/quote]
No. You should strip it off first so the AC can properly soak in and adhere.

Mike Scearce
Mike Scearce
7 years ago

Can your stain be applied to a deck that has another brand of oil base stain without stripping the old stain? The existing stain is very faded and water soaks in without beading. Thanks

mona lee
mona lee
7 years ago

Hi :

I live in Toronto Canada . We can not buy this product in Canada . I will be travelling to Buffalo New York near the Canada USA border crossing at the end of the month. Can you advice me about the location of store that carry Armstrong-Clark deck stain ?

Thank you !!!

Mona Lee

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Jim Lenardon”]I have a 1700sq ft redwood deck that had a latex semi solid stain of another brand.
We have stripped the previous stain off and are interested in your semi solid oil base stain.
Snow sits at times on the deck during the winter and caused the previous stain to peel off the horizontal surfaces.
Is there any other prep I should do, and do you think your stain will withstand the snow.
I expect to have to re stain after a few years but not every year like have in the past.
Any other suggestions?
As long as you removed the old coating you should be good to go. Do a final prep with a deck cleaner and light pressure washing.

Jim Lenardon
Jim Lenardon
7 years ago

I have a 1700sq ft redwood deck that had a latex semi solid stain of another brand.
We have stripped the previous stain off and are interested in your semi solid oil base stain.
Snow sits at times on the deck during the winter and caused the previous stain to peel off the horizontal surfaces.
Is there any other prep I should do, and do you think your stain will withstand the snow.
I expect to have to re stain after a few years but not every year like have in the past.
Any other suggestions?

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7 years ago

[quote name=”joe b. hudson”]Have washed and brightened 1,000 sq ft treated pine deck that was severely weathered and grey. Cleaned up well but nervous that stain will soak in and need 2nd coat but don’t want to order more stain if not necessary. Also deck size requires multi-day application, so if I did need second coat would it need to be applied in sections that could be completed in 3- 4 hours. Should I test a small portion for the need for a second coat? If second coat needed, any suggestions on how to get 2 coats on wet on wet successfully over 1000 sq ft.[/quote]
Are you doing the semi-solid colors? If so, one coat should be enough but it would be best to test a small spot first.

If doing two coats wet on wet, apply to the entire deck and then repeat within 30-60 minutes. Not sure why you need a multi day application. A good floor stain pad, and you can stain the entire floor in an hour or two.

joe b. hudson
joe b. hudson
7 years ago

Have washed and brightened 1,000 sq ft treated pine deck that was severely weathered and grey. Cleaned up well but nervous that stain will soak in and need 2nd coat but don’t want to order more stain if not necessary. Also deck size requires multi-day application, so if I did need second coat would it need to be applied in sections that could be completed in 3- 4 hours. Should I test a small portion for the need for a second coat? If second coat needed, any suggestions on how to get 2 coats on wet on wet successfully over 1000 sq ft.

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7 years ago

[quote name=”christa”]Hello,
Can you tell me if your semi solid stain is avail at any Michigan retailer?[/quote]
The Sealer Store
2388 Franklin Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

7 years ago

Can you tell me if your semi solid stain is avail at any Michigan retailer?

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Patty Tate”]New T & G Southern Yellow Pine on Covered Porch in central W,V Had hard rain right after install, some cupping has occured – How long to wait before staining? 1 or 2 coats? Which would be best semi solid or semi transparent?[/quote]
See this article about new wood:


Patty Tate
Patty Tate
7 years ago

New T & G Southern Yellow Pine on Covered Porch in central W,V Had hard rain right after install, some cupping has occured – How long to wait before staining? 1 or 2 coats? Which would be best semi solid or semi transparent?

7 years ago

Do you recommend staining the underside of the deck/stairs or leave it exposed?

Also I have a 3 yr old deck and 3 month old deck addition. Do you recommend that I stain the old deck now and do a restain of the old deck when I’m ready to stain the new addition at the 1 yr mark? Would the old deck look darker if I restain again?

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Mike Scearce”]Do you have a stain that you would recommend for a partially covered boat dock that is exposed to both strong sun and some shade? Thanks.[/quote]
Use the semi-solid colors for this.

Mike Scearce
Mike Scearce
7 years ago

Do you have a stain that you would recommend for a partially covered boat dock that is exposed to both strong sun and some shade? Thanks.

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Joe Goldie”]Will the semi solid stain peel?
Is the semi solid stain easy to re coat, does it need to be stripped before re coating?[/quote]
It is a penetrating stain as long as you prep and apply correctly. No need to strip when reapplying. Just clean.

Joe Goldie
Joe Goldie
7 years ago

Will the semi solid stain peel?
Is the semi solid stain easy to re coat, does it need to be stripped before re coating?

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7 years ago

[quote name=”Mary Jo Haggerty”]I ordered a sample of your semi-solid stain in Oxford Brown. The properties of the stain seem great BUT it’s too red on my deck. Can the stain be darkened either by the company or myself? (I used Cordovan Brown Cabot’s until Cabot sold out and the new formula is horrible.)
Thank you.[/quote]
Sorry but is not possible for us to add tint or for you to add a generic tint to it.

Mary Jo Haggerty
Mary Jo Haggerty
7 years ago

I ordered a sample of your semi-solid stain in Oxford Brown. The properties of the stain seem great BUT it’s too red on my deck. Can the stain be darkened either by the company or myself? (I used Cordovan Brown Cabot’s until Cabot sold out and the new formula is horrible.)
Thank you.

7 years ago

can semi solid sequia be used on IPE SIDING

8 years ago

Just applied the Oxford Brown to my outdoor uncovered deck about 3 hours ago, pop up thunderstorm expected soon, should I tarp the deck or is 3 hour enough time for it to cure.. humid today as well. Thanks for any advice.

Robert Skinner
Robert Skinner
8 years ago

We have rebuilt 2 porches in tamarack. Would like to know which stain would most keep or enhance the natural color and grain of the wood.
Thank you.

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8 years ago

Can someone tell me what stain color and type was used on the deck featured in the second photo on your website, the deck with a tree growing through it?

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8 years ago

[quote name=”Leslie Pool”]Do you have a grey tone in semi solid?[/quote]
Only in a semi-transparent.

Leslie Pool
Leslie Pool
8 years ago

Do you have a grey tone in semi solid?

scott bousfield
scott bousfield
8 years ago

I have the cedar semi transparent stain.
I would like to know when it is time to re-apply, what needs to be done to the deck?

Norman Goodacre
Norman Goodacre
8 years ago

I live in a condominium community that is dictated to by a home-owners association. At their request I have had my deck replaced and now need to stain it; the problem is that the Association also dictates the color, which comes only in Benjamin Moore Arborcoat ‘Hearthstone’. Unfortunately Benjamin Moore deckstains get a very low rating in the reviews. Could I use Armstrong semi-solid deck stain – to get the wood prepared well – and then apply BM’s ‘Hearthstone’ over it to keep the association gestapo happy?

Terry Filliman
Terry Filliman
8 years ago

I would like to apply an oil based solid or semi-solid stain to a clean older Trex composite deck. Don’t want to use a water based solid surface stain. Will your semisolid stain penetrate composite deck? Pros and cons of using on composite?

Rita Molloy
Rita Molloy
8 years ago

We have a large Cedar deck that we had applied Sikkens numerous times it is peeling and we don’t want to use any more sickens.
My husband is sanding it all down to bare wood and we were advised to apply a penetrating stain.

After sanding does it need any other treatment or are we ready for the stain

Could you recommend which stain would be best?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x