Armstrong Clark Stain is a low VOC product and compliant for all states and Canada!
Need it shipped to you? We are able to ship to all states below within 2-5 business days!
We ship from the Metro Detroit Area to Canada. All Canadian shipped orders must be placed on the website. We do not take orders over the phone to be delivered into Canada. For general questions please call 248.858.8900.
Orders may also be picked up in Metro Detroit Area at our retail location:
Armstrong Clark Stain Online Dealer
2388 Franklin Rd
Bloomfield Hills, Mi 48302
Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana |
Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota |
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming |
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There are not any dealers in Iowa but we can ship to you.
I live in Des Moines, Iowa and was wondering where your closest dealer is to here?
We are an online dealer for AC. We personally do not have a dealer there.
I am looking for a dealer for your products in the Seattle area. Please help.
Yes we can ship to Canada. The checkout process will explain the charges.
Hi. We live in B.C., Canada. We need to refinish a 2 year old cedar and fir deck this summer. We are interested in the Armstrong Clark Stain. Is it possible to purchase and have it shipped to me? Please let me know as soon as possible so we can get things started. Many thanks, Erin
Any dealers in Canada? If not, what’s the shipping charge?
There are not any but we can ship to you.
Are your cleaners and stains available in retail stores in Texas?
We ship online. There are numerous dealers on the west coast but few in the Midwest or east coast.
Maybe the better question to ask is, where do you have dealers? Are you solely an online store?
No there is not.
any in the metro ATL area
Are there any dealers near Columbus Indiana.
Sorry but there are not any dealers in your area.
I would also be interested in finding a dealer in the Chicago land area.
Iam interested in samples of semitransparent & semi solid oil stains. Do you offer any?
No there are not.
Any dealers in Milwaukee, WI area?
any dealers located in the Chicagoland, IL area?
No there is not a dealer in your are.
Any dealers in the Long Island, New York area? Zip Code 115xx or 117xx. Thanks.
We do not have a dealer in Colorado and neither does the manufacturer. We can ship this to you.
Do you have a dealer in Colorado?
Janet, no dealers in Canada but you can come into our store in Michigan. You can buy samples in the top menu.
We live in ont. and wondered if you have any dealers here in Ont. if not I have a brother who lives in Keego Harbour Michigan and we could purchase it there. In the meantime would you be able to send samples of your semi-solid stain for us to view at our home in Canada?
Our dares is j.koyle
794219 3rd line E.
Mono ont
L9W 5X8
It will not take 5 gallons to treat my deck. If I purchase the 5 gallon drum, how long is its shelf life? Can I expect the same results with the left-over when I use it next year?
We do not ship to Alaska.
Can you ship to Alaska?
No there is not a dealer on Ohio.
Do you have a local dealer in the Cincinnati OH area?
morne, a few years if unopened.
How many years will your product last, in a sealed can if I bought a few extra to reseal in the future?
Sorry but there are no dealers in Canada. You can order form online websites and have it delivered.
Where is this product available in Toronto Canada?
Sorry but we do not. We can ship to you.
Do You have any dealers in the Washington, DC metro area? Particularly northern VA or Montgomery County, MD.
VA zip code 20147
MD zip code 20895
We personally do not.
Do you have dealerships in the Philadelphia area?
Dennis, no but we can ship to you 🙂
Any dealers in Minnesota or North Dakota?
Helen, no there is not.
are there dealers in MA or NH?
Sorry but only available online for NC.
where can I buy in north carolina
Where I can I buy your paint in central north carolina?
Phillip, there are no dealers there in Canada but can ship to you out of the Metro Detroit location. You will need to pay shipping charges, brokerage, and province taxes.
I am a deck contractor in southern ontario Canada. voc 250 as of 2 years ago. We used Olympic maximum oil with good results, had to go acrylic as nuthin good remained after the voc 250 rules came into effect. Acrylic, I hate it. We tried superdeck, disaster the oils turned black and we had to strip them all. We tried most everything over our 15 years in business. Our summers are hot, very humid, almost daily thundershower, and being the great white north, well brutal winters. My season starts in a few weeks and I dont have a product to use. Can I even get your material up here? If so where?
Lookin about the net, it appears Jake is the guy to talk to, so……
There are not any stocking dealers in the area but we can ship to you and send samples as well.
Where do I find your product in the Atlanta metro area?
I am a contractor who uses Cabot currently and will be interested in samples for I am after 17 years considering changing our stain product.
Thanks, Jason Thevis
Integrity Painting Service.com